About Me
Thank you so much for visiting my website! My name is Nina G. and I am a certified Reiki Practioner in Houston, Texas, and the founder of Amethyst 7 PowerHouse, LLC. I am a proud graduate of the Anahata School of Meditation and Healing where I received my certification of Reiki Practitioner in August 2022.
After receiving my Reiki Practitioner Certification in 2022, I moved forward with Divine instruction and created Amethyst 7 PowerHouse, LLC. A7 PowerHouse has been created to help heal and empower individuals by providing them with tools and services that aid in healing of the Mind, Body, and Spirit. Moving forward, it is my intention to continue to walk in my God given power and purpose and create a safe space for healing.


Reiki Master, Anahata School of Meditation and Healing
Received Master attunement and Master symbol, knowledge of all attunments

Founder, Amethyst 7 PowerHouse
August 27, 2022 - Present